We are following the recommendations of many friends from around the world and launching a crowd funding campaign for the Tikü™ Neonatal Incubator on Indiegogo.com from 12 November 2014 through 11 January 2015. You may connect to our site by clicking on the link to the right of this post. We hope that you will visit us.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with crowd sourcing, it begins by sharing news of the campaign with your friends and family via email and social media. These folks pass on the news to their networks, who in turn continue sharing the news. The people who are contacted are asked to contribute to the campaign to help launch the project.
Our goal is to raise the necessary capital to fabricate several incubators for evaluation. These will be tested by the students and staff of St. Petersburg College. We shall then gain approval for manufacturing and quality from the FDA and the ISO. We want travel to Haiti to demonstrate the pre-production incubators and gift them to caregivers. When we have completed these steps, we shall be able to meet the requirements of interested agencies and commence commercial production.
We thank you in advance for your help. Everyone has been most supportive, when they have learned about our innovation to help reduce global infant mortality. It is easy to encourage an endeavor that can potentially ameliorate the survival of millions of newborn babies. Clinicians working in Sub-Saharan Africa have told us the the Tikü™ can be a "game changer".